Friday, 23 May 2008

Are You Like, A Sailor?

'Are you like a sailor?'

Thats what I got asked by so many people today. Just because buttons have anchors on them, doesn't mean I am a sailor.

It was a non-uniform day today, and I didn't realise till last minute, so I literally had to throw something on.

After school, I made daisy chain headbands. They're surprisingly fun; even if I did get about a 100 weird looks. :)


emmaholloway said...

I don't think you look like a sailor...

I love the whole nautical trend. I have sworn to myself for the last three summers that I won't get sucked into it, but I always do.

I love making daisy chains. Although they always end up dying on me really quickly or I end up attracting lots of bees and wasps...

emma x

karla deras said...

love the nautical outfit! cute blog!